# Manipulating workflows before they get saved

Sometimes you may want to modify a workflow before it gets saved to the database for the first time.

# The beforeCreate hook

If you want to apply a transformation to a specific workflow, you should implement the beforeCreate method in your workflow class.


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Sassnowski\Venture\Models\Workflow;
use Sassnowski\Venture\AbstractWorkflow;
use Sassnowski\Venture\WorkflowDefinition;

class PublishPodcastWorkflow extends AbstractWorkflow
    private Podcast $podcast;

    public function __construct(Podcast $podcast)
        $this->podcast = $podcast;

    public function definition(): WorkflowDefinition
        // ...

    public function beforeCreate(Workflow $workflow): void
        // Perform some transformation to the workflow before it gets saved...
        $workflow->user_id = $this->podcast->user_id;

The beforeCreate hook gets passed an instance of Sassnowski\Venture\Models\Workflow, which is a regular Eloquent model. As the name suggests, this hook is called before the workflow is persisted to the database for the first time. So the workflow model won't have an id yet.